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10 Cartoon Mixtape Covers inspired by Famous Cartoons

Ever wonder how you would look if you had yourself animated for a custom cover design, Here we present to you 10 custom cartoon covers by the Los Angeles Graphic team @Hungryblvd inspired on some of the biggest classics the cartoon world has to offer

1. Rick and Morty Cartoon Mixtape Cover (Off The Head - EastSide Poncho Gee)

designed by @HungryBlvd

2. Dexters Lab Cartoon Mixtape Cover (The Cook Up - Mo Cheddah)

3. Mario Bros Cartoon Mixtape Cover (1Up - UA PE$O )

4. The Simpsons Cartoon Mixtape Cover (Slummm Shit - Dat Johnson Boy x Slummm God)

5. Dragon Ball Z Cartoon Mixtape Cover (BiteBack - Strumz x Wilstar)

6. The Muppets Cartoon Mixtape Cover (Grumpy Uncles - State Wall)

7. Spiderman Cartoon Mixtape Cover (Venom - Spida Collins)

8. Dragon Ball Z Cartoon Mixtape Cover (Nimbus - Jitsu Gaiden)

9. Wario World Cartoon Mixtape Cover (My Atmosphere - Dat Johnson Boy)

10. Dexters Lab Cartoon Mixtape Cover (MVMix 8 - MVjor Badea)


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